Fashion Revolution Week Day 5: #IMadeYourClothes Too
Olive Fuinardy, Designer at Dhana Inc.
We shared with the world a snapshot of the Rana Plaza Disaster 5 years ago to signify that catalyst which began a very large, ethical, fashion movement. Though as a collective the movement is still going and there is still much change that must still be paved.
Seeing first-hand the impact the garment industry in Indonesia, our children’s designer Olive Fuinardy reflects.
As a designer witnessing the current state of fashion, how are you transforming the way you make, influence and design clothes for our youth?
As a designer witnessing the current state of fashion, I need to be extra careful of every single process in making clothes (from design to production). I not only have to think about the design but must make sure the process is safe for all; including customer, the environment, the workers and everyone involved in making. Hopefully by doing so, the customer—especially the youth—become aware of what’s happening (before the point of sale) and starting to take action as a response.
Follow the movement and latest updates on our twitter at DhanaTribe!
RT @DSphere_Network: Join us for our webinar every Friday at 7 am PST
Join Remake Thursday, June 2nd at 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET Imagine sharing your fashion story…
Fashion Platform Dhana Inc. Tackles Circularity From Three Angles via @YahooNews
This International Women’s day, we’re shining a spotlight on all the women that make Dhana the company it is today.…